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The Haunting

Okay, so I have sketched a house from my childhood memory  Nothing tragic happened there, there is no great secret or anything like that; it was a house in a small town that a friend of mine lived in. 

I drew it because this Holiday season I am feeling maudlin about a few friends that didn’t get to be as old as me.  I remember the smell of this place, how  everything was crowded.  I remember the cigarette smoke and I remember the games and toys that they had.  It was always cool playing there as a child.

I believe that the house has been torn down many years ago, Calvin may have been alive at the time.  It’s okay that my lines aren’t straight or well laid out,  I drew it for me, to help me remember; to help me step back to my younger years and a time when magic ruled and nothing bad ever happened.

Published inMy Blog


  1. Sue Cech Sue Cech

    Oh I loved that style of house! There were a lot of them in Kits when I was growing up.
    I wish the walls could talk and tell us stories of the ’60s and ’70s in Kitsilano.

    • Yeah, I wish that I could have had a dollhouse or something like that 🙂 Oh well, I have a sketch and that seems to draw me back to the good feelings of the time 🙂

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