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Edmonton AB

Wow, Edmonton is quite a nice little city, I think that I like it The weather is beautiful, the dust bunny (Kia), is woking fine and we are eating well. Some business from yesterday…

I did find something in Jasper from my many years ago romance with this place. There was a cartoon bear named JASPER and at one time the city of Jasper was littered with him. I may have found the very last one of these! The trip was not a total failure!

Me’ an Jasper!

On the way to Edmonton I met a new friend in Edson Alberta, his name is Eddie!

To celebrate our cultural roots, we went to the Art Gallery of Alberts. This should be a nice visit for anyone who comes to Edmonton!

I am a great lover of folk art and not just because I am not a good drawer 🙂

Great example. The artist collected slabs of wood and painted on them in his spare time. Old house paint and waste wood now hanging in the gallery.
More of the folk art collection, I tried to find a card with this picture, but alas, I must settle for a photo.

Off to Strathcona which is a bit like Vancouver’s East End, but having more success. Here is what it is like…

Okay, so the market was closed, we did pay for 4 hours of parking at the lot behind the sign. Rats!!
A walk around Strathcona removed any bitterness. The community is alive and vibrant, though there are a few problems.
Poinient truths are easy to find. This is a great area for people who appreciate street art!

And last but not least, the Pyramids of Edmonton. Yes, these monuments to ancient culture sit upon a small hill and….never mind the ancient alien thing.

The Edmonton Conservatory for all the plant lovers who visit this fine city.

We have a busy day tomorrow so I may not get to update my travel then, but look out on Saturday when we are heading to Saskatoon

Happy, Happy birthday to my darling wee little sister Cindy, I wish you the best year ever!! Lots of love!!

The Next Day

Fort Edmonton was an absolute delight and worth walking around!

The fort represents the years 1885 – 1933
I always enjoy visiting churches, especially old ad simple, like me!
There is a wonderful Masonic Hall in Fort Edmonton as well, Dan Brown has not been here 🙂

We had a wonderful dinner with old friends in Wilocks AB, about an hour north of Edmonton (Buffet Prime Rib), and then drove back. Instead of going straight home, we decided to check out the Edmonton neon light district. Thank you, Jeff and Marni!!

Edmonton has a neon sign museum/street show, if you are up late, this is a cool place!
Tomorrow we are off to Saskatoon.

Edmonton is a great city well worth visiting. Put it on your list!

One Comment

  1. Valerie Jensen Valerie Jensen

    hi Deanna its Valerie from coffee chat I have been following your travels. im very impressed at how organized your travels are. i look forward to you entries
    hope you have safe travels and a great time

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