Good morning to all, I wish you a great new year filled with good health, much laughter and many hours of good cheer.
Thank you for being in this world with me, we have traveled a great distance, and our route has not always been easy, but still we are here.
My resolution to you and to all who see my words is to:
Bring more smiles to everyone I meet, to be a joyful soul who is a welcome treat, I will be a light, not to guide you, but to shine on the good thing’s life has given us. I hope to offer a smile to all whom I meet, a warn embrace to those I touch and year full of great memories to those I have met.
I know that some darkness will come, I am only human, but I will do my best to keep the light near so that the darkness does not last long.
I too offer a rainbow covenant to be kind and gentle with everyone I meet.
Happy New Year!

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