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Why I Joined a Photography Club

I’m not looking to earn a living with photography, nor do I seek adoration. I’m retired, free to spend my time as I choose. But I know this: I have a creative soul, and I need to express myself—not for others, but for me.

My artwork and photography aren’t about impressing anyone or making grand statements. They exist because I’m trying to understand the world as I see it, to capture moments that speak to me. When I paint or draw, I start with a blank canvas and create something from nothing. But with photography, I must decide what to leave out. In that way, I become a deconstruction artist, distilling a scene to its essence.

A quick sketch of a storefront might bring back a personal memory, while a photograph captures something striking in the here and now—a moment I want to hold onto, to revisit and reflect upon. Maybe I’ll sketch from it later on a quiet afternoon. Maybe it will inspire a poem. Maybe it will simply sit in an album, waiting to spark a memory. Whatever it becomes, it is mine.

But art is never created in isolation. My photography club gives me a space to share ideas, learn from others, and be part of a creative community. We exchange thoughts, offer suggestions, and inspire one another. As Austin Kleon said, all artists borrow from each other—we take bits and pieces of what resonates with us and use them to shape our own artistic voice.

If you’ve ever felt the pull of creativity, if you see the world through a lens that others might not notice, or if you simply want to explore photography as a means of self-expression, I encourage you to join us. You don’t have to be an expert. You don’t even have to be good. You just have to be true to yourself.

Published inMy Blog

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