He was sitting in a bar
Playing with an empty glass
And he looked over to me
“You look a bit lost,” he said
Then he smiled kindly
“I am,” I replied, “I’ve grown old
And wisdom has not come to me.”
“I too am old,” he knowingly smiled
“But I have found much wisdom
Buy me a drink and come talk with me.”
So I thought why not
And his drink I soon bought
“What do you need to know?
Ask me about anything,
I will never tell you a lie!”
So I asked about the Cosmos
The Sun and the Moon and the Stars
About the God’s and the aliens living on Mars
He scratched his face, then began to speak,
“Well, I’m not too sure about that.”
None of us are, I’m okay with that
So I asked another question
About the nature of humanity and our destiny
Will we save ourselves or not?
Again he scratched and deeply thought, “not sure,” he spoke
Fair enough, but what about our planet
Can we cool it down, clean the air?
And all the animals and fishes, can they survive
The coming of the four horsemen?
“don’t know,” as he took another swallow
Can we learn to be respectful to one another?
Can the nations learn to work together as one?
Can we eliminate hunger, suffering and pain?
Do you know where the fucking washroom is?
He pointed up to a sign pointing down the hallway
I nodded and stood up to go
I had paid for the things I wanted to know
And the old bugger had truthfully answered my questions
So, I sheepishly made my retreat
From that smiling old asshole

Absolutely brilliant!
Greetings and Happy Season to you my dear, what a wonderful surprise hearing from you! I just posted a new note and changed the picture from yesterdays post to the finished mess instead of the unfinished one. As you have guessed, I am trying to keep my brain alive so for the next quiet bit over the holidays I will be popping out stuff 🙂 Meantime, I am making soup for supper in the Insta Pot (a great invention), and preparing myself for this evenings reading adventure. Might take some pictures of the meteor shower if I can stay up that late 🙂 Take care and have a fabulous season, xoxoxxoxoxoxo