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On Turning 60.

Greetings to all my dear friends, I hope your Birthday’s and hangovers are all wonderful smiles. 

You were telling me last month that you were a bit gobsmacked by that 60 number.  So, from someone who went through this a while back, I share with you my elder’s wisdom.

Accept gracefully the counsel of the years, acknowledge that you are moving from being life’s student and becoming a teacher. Like it or not, you are now a wisdom keeper.  Accept this unique role and know that, while you may deny it at first, you have indeed become wiser than the average 50-year-old.

Sometimes you may feel that you have nothing to offer, and it is okay not to have all the answers, a gentle smile or a gentle touch can speak volumes for you. 

Be grateful for all that you have (my morning prayer is one of thanks).  The people who failed to reach your age have missed this self enlightening life experience.  It is your reward for living and being alive.  Each new day makes you wiser, the wisdom is genuinely inside of you.

Try to be kind to everyone, those who have more than you and those who have less.  It is not always easy, but it is always rewarding to try.  As a younger person, I was not always kind to others; this is my chance to make up for my past indiscretions.  My redemption. I embrace this role.

Be kind to yourself, you are no longer the centre of attention, no longer the star of the show.  We once looked to adults for answers, we are now the adults.  Becoming an unleashed adult allows us to be the person we always should have been, no strings attached. 

People may think that we are just waiting to die, no longer vital, but it is just the opposite, we are now living our best life.


Sometimes we feel challenged. We must always respect that others have their own thoughts, and that through their own experience, have created their own truths. 

Out of respect for their truths, I avoid some people because my opinions/experiences are different then theirs, sometimes gaps can be too wide to cross.  I may choose not to expend the effort; I allow my wisdom to guide me.

 If challenged, I can remove myself from the moment, raise my voice to speak my truth, also and I am not afraid to call the cops or shoot as the situation dictates. 

As Autumn sets it’s first chill and the colours of leaves seems to glow, become the wise one of fairy tales.  Your kindness is an embrace for all the worlds children and your wisdom may save many tears.

I understand now that aging is a gift, a gift every bit as exciting as a child’s Christmas break, and it starts every morning.  Welcome to the onset of Autumn.

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